Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sibebe Christmas Party

The Sibebe Christmas party was so much fun! I think it is the highlight of my time in Africa thus far. We started off with ice cream and cookies, then one of the girls read the story of Jesus’ birth and about the wise men visiting. I gave pieces of a nativity set to some of the kids so that when we got to the part in the story that had to do with the character they had, they would add that character to the scene. I shared some pictures with them of my sister’s first grade class because they are going to be pen pals. Then we played games and went swimming in the river that we meet beside. After that we sang Christmas songs.

I know that ice cream is a rare treat for them. You should have seen their faces when I was opening the container. It was like Wiley Coyote craving to eat the Road Runner. They were patient though, that is until I told them they could go for seconds. Then there was a little pushing and shoving, but for the most part they are very well behaved kids. Also they were pleasantly surprised to find out that I was going swimming with them.

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